Will a Tooth Gem affect my speech?

Will a Tooth Gem affect my speech? A tooth gem typically won’t affect your speech,...

Can a dentist clean my teeth with a tooth gem?

Can a dentist clean my teeth with a tooth gem? Yes, you can still have...

Choosing the perfect tooth gem

Choosing the perfect tooth gem To choose the perfect tooth gem, consider three key factors:...

Can I get a tooth gem on any tooth?

Can I get a tooth gem on any tooth? Tooth gems are typically applied to...

Will removing a tooth gem damage my tooth?

Will removing a tooth gem damage my tooth? Removing a tooth gem should not damage...

What should I do if my tooth gem falls off?

What should I do if my tooth gem falls off? If your tooth gem falls...

What should I avoid after getting a tooth gem?

What should I avoid after getting a tooth gem? After getting a tooth gem, avoid...

Do tooth gems damage the teeth?

Do tooth gems damage the teeth? When correctly applied and maintained, tooth gems should not...

Can I get gems if I have veneers?

Can I get gems if I have veneers? Adding gems to teeth with veneers isn’t...

Are tooth gems reversible?

Are tooth gems reversible? One of the advantages of tooth gems is their versatility; you...